2361 - 2380 out of 3958.
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03/28/2012 Denny Phase 2 and 3 TCRM (v: 1)
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Description: Denny Phase 2 and 3 TCRM
Type: Spreadsheet
Status: DRAFT
03/28/2012 Adjacent Circuit Review (v: 1)
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Description: TCRM Analysis of Adjacent Circuits in the PSAST area
Type: Spreadsheet
Status: DRAFT
03/28/2012 PSAST Agenda (4.3.12) (v: 2)
PSAST_April3_Agenda_r1.doc download>
Description: PSAST Agenda (4.3.12)
Type: Agenda
Status: DRAFT
03/27/2012 Path 3 StoN Uprate 30Nov2011 PRG Meeting Notes (v: 1)
...e30Nov2011PRGmeetingnotes.docx download>
Description: Path 3 StoN Uprate 30Nov2011 PRG Meeting Notes
Type: Minutes
Status: DRAFT
03/27/2012 Path 3 Upgrade Phase 2 PRG Agenda (3.27.12) (v: 1)
...radePhase2PRG27.3.12agenda.doc download>
Description: Path 3 Upgrade Phase 2 PRG (3.27.12) Meeting Agenda
Type: Agenda
Status: DRAFT
03/26/2012 Powerworld Tools Presentation (v: Rolstad)
...ay Never Have Known About.pptx download>
Type: Presentation
Status: DRAFT
03/26/2012 Reading a GE case into Powerworld (v: Rolstad)
eading a GE case into PWS.pptx download>
Type: Presentation
Status: DRAFT
03/26/2012 Final Draft For Team Approval (v: 26Mar12)
risk of use agreement required >>
Type: Report
Status: DRAFT
03/26/2012 MOD029 White Paper 03.21.12 (v: 1)
MOD029WhitePaper03.21.12.pdf download>
Description: MOD029 White Paper 03.21.12
Type: Presentation
Status: FINAL
03/26/2012 MOD029 White Paper 03.21.12 (v: 1)
MOD029WhitePaper03.21.12.pdf download>
Description: MOD029 White Paper 03.21.12
Type: Report
Status: FINAL
03/26/2012 Draft SAR Form 3.21.12a (v: 1)
DraftSARForm3.21.12a.pdf download>
Description: Draft SAR Form 3.21.12a
Type: Document (pdf)
Status: FINAL
03/23/2012 ColumbiaGrid Flexible Capacity Discussion Concepts 032312 draft (v: 1)
...ussionConcepts 032312draft.pdf download>
Description: ColumbiaGrid Flexible Capacity Discussion Concepts 032312 draft
Type: Report
Status: DRAFT
03/23/2012 ColumbiaGrid Discussion Concepts for Intra-HourTransmission ATC Visability 032312 (v: 1)
...nATCVisability032312 draft.pdf download>
Description: ColumbiaGrid Discussion Concepts for Intra-HourTransmissionATCVisability032312
Type: Report
Status: DRAFT
03/19/2012 Action Items from 3.15.12 (v: 1)
ActionItemsfrom3-15-12CGPM.pdf download>
Description: Action Items from 3.15.12
Type: Minutes
Status: DRAFT
03/19/2012 Draft Planning Agenda (6.3.12) (v: 1)
raftPlanningAgenda(5-3-12).pdf download>
Description: Draft Planning Agenda (6.3.12)
Type: Agenda
Status: DRAFT
03/19/2012 WIST Meeting Notes 3.1.12 V2 (v: 1)
WISTMeetingNotes3-1-12V2.doc download>
Description: WIST Meeting Notes 3.1.12 V2
Type: Minutes
Status: DRAFT
03/19/2012 PSAST Final Report: Updated Recommended Transmission Expansion Plan for the Puget Sound Area: 10-28-11 (v: 1)
risk of use agreement required >>
Description: Updated Recommended Transmission Expansion Plan for the Puget Sound Area to Support Winter South-to-North Transfers
Type: Report
Status: FINAL
03/18/2012 Transmission Expansion Plan for the Puget Sound Area: 10-20-10 (v: 1)
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Description: Transmission Expansion Plan for the Puget Sound Area
Type: Report
Status: FINAL
03/19/2012 120319 LSP ColumbiaGrid Order 1000 Presentation (v: 1)
120319LSPCGridOrder1000.pdf download>
Description: 120319 LSP ColumbiaGrid Order 1000 Presentation
Type: Presentation
Status: DRAFT
03/16/2012 Draft Report (v: 16Mar12)
risk of use agreement required >>
Status: DRAFT